Tuesday, October 12, 2010



The word VEDA or Logo (root VID ) means Knowledge that envelopes or embraces all revealing knowedge from descent of Consciousness from Begining of Time up til now or even that which will be known in Future.
My subject deals with that part of VEDA which deals with EARLY Spritual knowledge of BHARATYA (Indian) Darshan ( Experience ,-not 'philosophy' of Western Culture).
I shall try, with my limited knowledge but in my own way, to compress it into a Capsular extract to offer some idea about eleven UPANISHADS expounded by the Great SHANKARACHARYA (of the 9 Th. Century A.D).

Monday, October 11, 2010


The DIVINE Projects COSMOS within ITSELF , like a Spider cast out its net from within.

The Divine knows everything but no one shall ever know him in full [you can not see the whole Pacific Ocean in one glance nor can see his own face without reflection.]

The DIVINE is neither Male , nor Female nor Neuter for, THAT is SUPRA- BIOLOGICAL., and (GOD) has no Belly-button.

The DIVINE is beyond , even, all " DARK ENERGY " or EINSTEIN'S E= M.C/SQUARE.

An EFFECT can never be the FIRST CAUSE but all Effects can be the Cause of subsequent effects/events.
** Since my studenr days and more particuarly after my marrige (,when my wife Sunanda came home with three volumes containingg these Upanishands ,Edited by Swami Gambhirananda of Ramakrishna Mission) and that interested me much in the field and throughout my life. And while in U.S.A (1993 -2008) my daughter , Neela Chacko in 2007 , gave me a present 'The Upanishads' of Eknath Easwaran . After going trough that book I was Inspired to compress Upanishads to a Nutshell of this size for laymen of my level to get into this supreme dimension of Spirituaity.And these Blog is the outcome !


EVERYTHING is out of 'THAT';. Everything is within THAT
Yet, THAT is within and without Everything and everywhere.
IT is ever everywhere ,without 'movement'.
IT is faster than Light ( cf - Neutrino )
IT is all Light without HEAT.(Beyond Absolute ZRRO).
IT is without body, without defect,without nerves.
IT is purest of pure, never affected by any state or form'
IT is the only SEER,(we see , feel or hear due to THAT which is author of all MIND.
IT is all pervading and all embracing '
IT is the SELF-Evolved FIRST CAUSE, (from which all that is mutable or immutable - arise.)


DESIRING 'NOTHING' from the MATERIAL Mammon -World is the best WAY (Root Source of BUDDHISM). Siddhartha was the second Revolutionary after KRISNA who gave a new religion BHAGAVATAM which was too spiritual to be popular with common rank.(The Atma Geeta , his last sermaon is one of the finest exposition of Spirituality even by Modern Scientidic interpretation.

"Anaro-ranyan ; Mahato mahiyan"
The Divine First Cause is smaller than an Atom ( Modern Quark or 'String' and larger than the coceivable GREAT (Galaxies or Cosmos).


To be born after DEATH, is the THIRD STATE.(Death is a transitional Phase).

'RECYCLING' is a Scientific and NATURE'S way of Renewal.

Ambhas - high above SKY// MARICH - The SKY // MARA - The Middle Region i,e Earth // APA - The ream of water in Atmosphee and below.
Appearance of life in Human form was finaised after all trials and errors(Evolution).
After the formation of life ,Self (individual) enters through the Gate-way at the crown of head. Self is the 'Root' of Conscios life.


SEVEN Layers (Levels) of HEAVEN in COSMOS are vibrating effect of PRIMAL ENERGY or ' A-U-M'.

Everything and all living beings are 'Food' for some thing or some other being .
"Rayirba Etat sarbam Jat Murtang-cha , vi-murtang-cha " [sanskrit]

By that DIVINE Even Stars and all Cosmic forces are over-whelmed.
"Bhayat asya Agni-r-tapati , Vayat -tapati Surya...."(sanskrit)

The hungry has as much right to Food as the rich because , - all lives are but ONE Single UNIT( SUPREME MONISM )


SEX-FORCE is the Root or Vital Force at the base of spinal chord with six Centers or'Chkakras '(like rungs of a ladder) arranged upwards unto the Brain) with 7 Th Center (final) above the crown. This force can not be eleminated but only chanellised by transformation as spiritual force. [Not destruction but Transcendence].

PRANA is the VITAL ENERGY and is the LORD of all other bioogical Energies of LIFE.
* (Force & Energy are different Scientific terms ).


The DIVINE is Like SALT mixed in Water. And -there is no 'anywhere' , where 'IT' is not -( Story of SHWETAKETU).

All borrowed knowledge is only 'words' (without self-experience).
Sef-experience is the real Knowledge.

DEATH : is a situation where the 'House' is destroyed and the dweller or 'tenant' is gone.

Those who know the SELF and those who know it not, do the simillar things but with lot of difference in their level of consciousness.


A-U-M and four stages of CONSCIOSNESS:

I WORLDLY or VAISHWANARA : Abundunt in all Extroverts.
II. INWARD or TAIJASA ; Necessary for Spiritual Ascent.
III. PRAJNA (Witness role )-Silence outward & within is the Key.
IV. TURYA or Super-Conscious State. Possible in' SAMADHI' only or extended Trance ( achieved by Spiritual Giants e.g Sri Ramakrishna and others. (With Rama krishna it was at his beck and call.)

A U M ; is the Cosmic Root vibration . It can be simulated by uttering the first word through Lips, Then U - from the hard Palate and last one 'M' by closing the lips and vibrating (the Alphabet )through Throat AND SPREADING THE VIBRATION THROUGHOUT THE BODY as long as you can.
* 'Plank's Unit' or 'String'of Modern Cosmology has reached , mathematically, somewhere near towards AUM, and yet, long more to go.


The SELF or FIRST CAUSE is beyond the Fieid of DUALITY. As there is nor shall be second to see or know that objectively.
Mind and Sense-Instruments are only tools.
Taste of Mango-juice can never be explained or taught but ony experienced by testing it (Sef-Reaisation).
One can only think of the Divine in this world of Duaity but 'see' THAT' only by transcending to the Fied of REAITY.[From within the House, you can not see the Roof. _______________


The real Knowledge does not come through Logic, nor through Scholarship.
The Self or Soul is never born nor shall ever die. [ see also Geeta :(Ch. 2 /19).
Though still, 'THAT' moves everything , everywhere.

'THAT' is the only SUBJECT and we all are mere objects ( within the Field of Relativity) We can not know THAT without 'Reflection'. [You can not even see your own face without reflection.
Seeing 'GOD' is super-conscious state of knowing. We are in the domain of Reativity and'GOD' is REALITY-itself ![Einstein's Theory]
Look to the World -outside and miss the SELF within . That which rules the breath of ife , - is the real Ruler.
i) 'There the eyes can not travel , nor speech, nor mind nor intellect nor Science'.
II.The 'Manifestation' is like a huge tree upside down.( Sub-atomic quanta to crude and coarse Material Universe ; even Modern science admits it)
iii)By IT'S overwhelming power the Energy(Agni), fire lets out heat....
iv) 'you can not see me with thy physical eyes' - Getta (ch 11)
v)Two 'birds' perched on same -sef Tree (Higher Mind and lower mind within the same iving body). The lower mind fixed on materia life of desire, gain and loss ;while the higher Mind , if awake, ever desiring to transcend the Material this mammon-field of living )


States Of Lumination : a):First is the SUN ( Direct ) [ For EMF ] ( b) Next is Moon (refective)] ,then (c) the Fire( Degraded 0r transferred solar energy). Then (d) speech ( outside light) , then (e) Awareness and Consciouness .
Three Qualities in Human Beings :
A. Assuric or Demonic : They should practise kindness for evolving further.. (B) Normal Human - Should practise givig to others for evolutionary growth. (C) Deva or godly -type - their ideal should be Self -Control.
Yagnyavalka - Maitreyee Dialect :(Essence) -
" By which I can not achieve Immortaity, -what shall I do with that?" -Maitreyee ,
OR; With mammon power,wealth or Material success, alone , one can not gain immortality in life.


zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz BRIHAD ARANYAKA :
The seperate or individual self dissolves in the Sea of higher (Collective) Consciousness.
So long there is duality or seperate conscious field - one sees with his individual capacity.
SPACE-TIME Seed in Vedanta ( Dialectic -Exposition In GARGI-Yagyavalka Episode);

Q; (Gargi) : - That which is above heaven and below the Earth and which is also in-between Heaven and Earth and which is not affected by TIME(past present-futre), -in what is that woven?
Ans(yagyavalka); -In SPACE.
Q; In what is SPACE Woven ?{
Ans ; - In AKSHARA (Immutable). It consumes nothing and nothing can consume it.
[? Vaccum / Dark Energy or Dirac's 'nothingness' of modern Science).