Monday, October 11, 2010


A-U-M and four stages of CONSCIOSNESS:

I WORLDLY or VAISHWANARA : Abundunt in all Extroverts.
II. INWARD or TAIJASA ; Necessary for Spiritual Ascent.
III. PRAJNA (Witness role )-Silence outward & within is the Key.
IV. TURYA or Super-Conscious State. Possible in' SAMADHI' only or extended Trance ( achieved by Spiritual Giants e.g Sri Ramakrishna and others. (With Rama krishna it was at his beck and call.)

A U M ; is the Cosmic Root vibration . It can be simulated by uttering the first word through Lips, Then U - from the hard Palate and last one 'M' by closing the lips and vibrating (the Alphabet )through Throat AND SPREADING THE VIBRATION THROUGHOUT THE BODY as long as you can.
* 'Plank's Unit' or 'String'of Modern Cosmology has reached , mathematically, somewhere near towards AUM, and yet, long more to go.

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