Monday, October 11, 2010


The real Knowledge does not come through Logic, nor through Scholarship.
The Self or Soul is never born nor shall ever die. [ see also Geeta :(Ch. 2 /19).
Though still, 'THAT' moves everything , everywhere.

'THAT' is the only SUBJECT and we all are mere objects ( within the Field of Relativity) We can not know THAT without 'Reflection'. [You can not even see your own face without reflection.
Seeing 'GOD' is super-conscious state of knowing. We are in the domain of Reativity and'GOD' is REALITY-itself ![Einstein's Theory]
Look to the World -outside and miss the SELF within . That which rules the breath of ife , - is the real Ruler.
i) 'There the eyes can not travel , nor speech, nor mind nor intellect nor Science'.
II.The 'Manifestation' is like a huge tree upside down.( Sub-atomic quanta to crude and coarse Material Universe ; even Modern science admits it)
iii)By IT'S overwhelming power the Energy(Agni), fire lets out heat....
iv) 'you can not see me with thy physical eyes' - Getta (ch 11)
v)Two 'birds' perched on same -sef Tree (Higher Mind and lower mind within the same iving body). The lower mind fixed on materia life of desire, gain and loss ;while the higher Mind , if awake, ever desiring to transcend the Material this mammon-field of living )

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